Basic obedience in canines

May 26 , 2021

Basic obedience in canines



It is the most common form of dog training, since obedience is part of training.

Basic obedience is part of animal education, helping it to integrate correctly in the social sphere, in addition to improving coexistence. The ideal is to start it when the dog is very young (4 to 7 months), although an adult dog can also learn without great difficulties.

The keys to success in teaching the tricks are: patience, practice, praise and perseverance. Each step in the right direction must be rewarded, as if the dog has just won the lottery.

Some examples of programs that we can find in basic obedience work are as follows:

           Conditioning intensifier (click)

The clicker is an exercise in which the dog associates the sound of the clicker with a food reward, thus helping us to mark the appropriate behaviors.

The clicker is a small plastic box with a sheet of metal that makes a double sound (click-click) when you press it. It can be replaced by other auditory signals, such as an "Ok" said quickly and without raising your voice.

It works as a conditioned reinforce and used correctly allows a very specific timing.

Before using the clicker in training, teach your dog to associate the sound of the click with rewards as follows:
Click the clicker without your dog seeing it, and a couple seconds later, give him the reward with your other hand.
Repeat the operation about 10 times, and rest for a while.
Check that your dog has made the association by clicking the clicker once. If the dog looks at you, it is because he is waiting for a treat. Give it to him! It means that the click is already associated with obtaining the food.

                                             Clicker for dogs


    Gears to the side with changes in direction and speed

Often our pets pull hard on the leash, so they usually take us where they want to forcibly, and in the case of bigger dogs, like a German shepherd, they could pull so hard that it could even cause physical injury when being pulled.

We must educate our dog, making him understand that he does not need to pull the collar when he perceives something that catches his attention, causing sudden changes in direction and speed.

In this way we can make the dog walk with us attentive to changes in speed and direction and  that he understands that if he pulls he will not get to where he wants to go.

Teach your dog to walk in a relaxed way and you will be getting a direct flight to a fuller and happier life, together with your companion.

    Sitting position

Teaching the dog to sit is one of the exercises that helps us develop the dog's self-control.

First of all, we must stand in front of the dog, making it focus only on us. Next, we will show you a piece of food, we should hold it in your hand and place it close to your snout. Third, we have to move the food from the snout to the nape of the neck, which will make you follow the treat looking up and place your butt on the floor during the process, as it happens, we must say "sit" and once seated, reward him with a piece of food.

The purpose of this exercise is to make the dog feel when signaling with his arm, without having food in his hand.

We must keep in mind that this technique is not the only one that can be used.

    Lying position

This exercise consists of the animal lying at the command, we can, for example, use the word "ground".

First of all, we will proceed to bend down to kneel with one leg, at the same time, we must indicate to our dog the word we have chosen so that it is in the position of the order we have given it.

Once in the desired position, we will take one of our dog's legs and bring it forward and do the same with the other, always using the same word throughout the process.

Finally, when the dog is in that position, we will click and deliver the prize, continuing to repeat the word and congratulating him for the action taken.

As in the previous point, this is not the only technique that can be used.

Adoption of different positions, prior verbal order

    Pay attention

The first step in getting your dog's attention is to hold a treat in his hand, bringing it to his nose. So we reach out and wait, at this point the dog will jump, bark and try to take the reward anyway, we must ignore all these behaviors, because at some point your dog will be looking at you, at that exact moment click and give it to him the reward.


This exercise consists of placing the dog on its feet on all four legs when ordered, using the verbal command "standing" or any other word.

We must first make the dog lie down or sit down, but without command, just guiding him with the reward of the food, but not giving it to him.

Next, we bring the reward close to the nose, moving it slowly forward perpendicular to the ground, eager to follow the reward that the dog will raise, at that very moment we click rewarding the dog before he takes a step.

Finally, repeat the procedure ten times, if the dog responds correctly eight out of ten, we will move on to the next criterion in the next session, otherwise it will be convenient to repeat the procedure.

   Object recovery

To teach a dog to find and retrieve objects, it is appropriate to start with the object that he likes best.

It is very important that in the first classes the dog is subjected to a very long guide, with the dog standing, we hold the animal by the collar and throw the object at a short distance. We release the collar, saying to the dog the word "Search", the dog must launch itself in search of the object.

When the dog grabs the object, we must call it saying "Bring", if necessary we will kneel to encourage it, even teaching the reward, it is important to reward the dog for its obedience by petting it, congratulating it, etc. , we must prevent the dog from letting go of the object by sliding his hand under his jaw.

Say "Give me" by grabbing the object and as soon as the dog complies we should congratulate him. We tell the dog to sit down, giving him the object found as a reward.

The idea is to gradually increase the launch distances, repeating the previous steps. Always use a cheerful voice and positive reinforcement. Over time, your dog will understand and start looking for all kinds of things.


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